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Industry-Leading Cardiology Treatments at Cardiac Solutions

Cardiac Solutions offers industry-leading heart and cardiovascular treatments through diagnostic testing, clinical programs, surgical procedures, and the treatment of cardiovascular conditions. We have three convenient cardiovascular offices in the West Valley. Our Peoria office is located at the Plaza Del Rio Medical Center II in Peoria, just off Loop 101 and Grand Avenue/Route 60. We’re a short drive from the Plaza Town Center and Plaza Del Rio. The Sun City West office is located in the Del Webb Medical Building A, just off of West Meeker Boulevard and Phoenix-Wickenburg Highway. You can find us a stone’s throw away from the Sun City West Commercial Core. Our Glendale office is located inside the Talavi Corporate Center in the Bell/Greenway Neighborhood, near the Walmart Supercenter. We’re a short drive from I-17 and Route 101. If you’re in need of our premier cardiac solutions please visit us at your earliest convenience.

Make the Best Choice for Your Cardiovascular Health

From the food we eat to our exercise habits, we have the ability to make the best choices that will make a positive impact on our wellness, and that includes choices for physicians. Cardiac Solutions is a physician-owned cardiology treatment center focused on providing the best care in cardiovascular health. Our board-certified cardiologists have put together treatment options and programs to benefit patients with various health conditions and backgrounds. From patient education to preventative testing, to surgical options, our experienced team is here for:

Diagnostic Testing

We test for abnormal heartbeats, blood clots, tumors, artery blockage, stress tests, and more.

Clinical Programs

Led by registered nurses and clinical pharmacists, our programs educate on disease management, at-home testing, and more.

Surgical Options

Our cardiologists perform surgeries for artery diseases, structural heart disease, valve replacements, and other procedures.

Cardiovascular Treatments

Our treatments focus on coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, chronic venous disease, and valvular heart disease.

Contact a Board-Certified Cardiologist

We invite you to call our office or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified cardiologists in Peoria, Sun City West, or Glendale. Our compassionate and helpful team is here to provide best-in-class health care for you and your family no matter if you have an underlying health condition, are seeking a second opinion, or want to learn more about cardiovascular health and treatment options. Being proactive and taking preventative measures with health can save a life. Schedule an appointment today.

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Main Office Number: 623-876-8816
Office Hours: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday
After Office Hours Call: 623-876-8816
Medical Records Fax Numbers
Referrals Fax

Triage / CCO Fax

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For Scheduling: Option 4
For Billing/Referral: Option 5
For Medical Questions: Option 7
For Surgical Procedures: Option 8
For Medical Records: Option 9

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If It’s an Emergency, Always Call 911 First

Thank you for considering Cardiac Solutions for all your cardiac care needs. Since 1984, our experienced team of board-certified cardiologists have been providing unparalleled cardiac care throughout the West Valley. With three convenient cardiac care locations in Peoria, Sun City West, and Glendale, we’ve been able to offer highly personalized cardiac care for over three decades. From the beginning, our focus has always been to provide quality care to our patients, so you can have the peace of mind knowing you’re in good care.

At Cardiac Solutions in Sun City West, Glendale, and Peoria, we take on a comprehensive, holistic approach towards cardiac care, which is why we offer the opportunity for patients in the West Valley the option to join our clinical programs. We believe intensive educational opportunities provide the crucial opportunity to not only better understand heart disease, but to help prevent it as much as necessary.

Combined with our extensive array of diagnostic testing procedures (both non-invasive and invasive), our Cardiac Solutions’ doctors are able to accurately and precisely diagnose heart diseases as quickly as possible. And in the event you will need surgical options, our world-class cardiologists provide surgical and interventional cardiology procedures.

When you choose Cardiac Solutions, you not only choose better health—you choose a dedicated team of nurses, physicians, and cardiologists who are 100% dedicated to providing you with the best health you can possibly have. That’s the Cardiac Solutions promise to you.

For more information about any of our cardiac care services in the West Valley, or to simply get in touch with us, contact us at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you.

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